
I am sure that after months of being at home or not being able to work to full capacity, we are all eager to get back and make a success for the rest of the year.

As a creative, it has been quite a ride. Not only dealing with limited income but also trying to deal with a brain that is full of creative ideas. I read somewhere that the art we put out into the world is the way we portray what is in our head, one brush stroke at a time. I could not agree more with that statement. Sometimes I just want to create something simple and other times I just want to add everything including the kitchen sink.

It sometimes is hard to find that balance of showcasing beautiful elegant work but also the uber creative side. Social media has become such an amazing tool to showcase the variety of work one can offer but at the same time when you do not get that instant gratification of likes you start wondering if your on the right track.

This year has been a year where I discover my personal journey of creativity. I have done many shoots that pushed me to the limits and some that I did just because I can. I decided that I will post what I want and when I want. Don’t get me wrong, I still post what people want to see but I make sure that it showcase a variety of my craft and sometimes even add myself into the mix. I have realized that you should make yourself happy before you make others happy and if you do not like the image where I did body paint or a no makeup look, well that is your prerogative.

I think it is time to showcase the creativity within, no matter what others think. Doing a creative shoot means that there is planning that goes into it. What colours will work, what model will work best for the concept, do we need a stylist to bring everything together. All these things are to be considered when thinking out of the box. I think the biggest thing for me is colour. As a qualified hairstylist I don’t just see red as a colour….. I see warm red, cool red, the secondary reflection in the red etc. Not only do I look at the undertones of colours but I also look to see where the colours are on the colour wheel to know what kind of impact I want the colours to have when seeing it as a complete image.

So doing a creative shoot is challenging and more time consuming than just doing a smokey eye or a red lip.

Bring on the CREATIVITY